
Guitar Academy

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What Our Clients Say

Our students are some pretty amazing people! Here’s what they say about us.

we Promise to:

Make Playing Guitar Fun, Resolve Your Bad Habits, Connect What’s Important Clearly, Get You the Results You’re Looking For!

Achieve your Goals:

Committing to lessons is a guarantee that you’re making progress toward your goals!

Consistent action trumps one-off all day practices or workshops!

Knowing what skills are important to learn first and how it connects!

Learning the why and how to be an independent student is crucial!

Connections with others to motivate each other to push yourself further!

Understand how you should practice for the best results week to week!


  • Our goal is to teach and train students to become excellent musicians. In order to reach our goal, we focus our classes on the specific skills you need to achieve your goals! We have a personal road map for your personal journey that you can work at your own pace! I guarantee your success if you follow our instructions from class to class!

  • I have experienced the failure of the self taught method for over 10 years of online content. Personally taking lessons has taught me what’s important to every student, the bad habits to fix, the order of information to digest, make connections, and finally achieve the results you’re looking for!

    My students have an accessible teacher every week where I did not … this has produced rapid results compared to myself sometimes in half the time. You have better faster results with a physical teacher that online content can’t replicate.

  • Each lesson will have all kinds of students with various skill levels working on the same content. We all are striving in a supportive environment to achieve our goals.

    This teaches you some invaluable skills, helps you to build connections with others with the same passion, shows you everyone makes mistakes and that’s okay!

    This makes the learning experience enjoyable and more fun which leads to a higher success rate for students!

  • A teacher should be able to understand a students mental strength, skill, tolerance for content, should challenge you, and be goal oriented through the process.

    I believe in having an open dialogue with your needs and desires as a guitarist. Check in’s are important for feedback on progress and direction towards your personal goals!